6" x 6"
I have really admired the artists that have been able to do a daily painting. I have tried but I get so bogged down in details on the paintings that I found it was taking up most of my time and I didn't have the time to devote to my larger paintings.
I viewed Diane Mannion's Art Byte on Daily Paintworks. I didn't know what to expect from it with the title being "Secrets of the Underworld", but hey, it was free. It was really inspiring to me! She takes you through a one hour exercise in doing a daily painting, that can be used as a reference for a larger painting.
It was like a light bulb going on in my brain! I decided I would take this approach with my not so daily paintings and try to become a true daily painter. This is my first one hour painting. I have a clock on the wall behind my easel and I am sticking to my one hour time frame. I am also using a limited palette of red, yellow, blue, and burnt umber for toning the canvas and sketching. I do find I am spending some time mixing the colours but I am getting better at that.
After I walk away for a while, I do come back and see the things I want to fix. So far I have been able to leave them alone but it is hard for me. I think I will learn a great deal from these.