Thursday 26 September 2013

Cherry Perfume

6" x 8"
Oil on Canvas

Day 26 of the painting challenge.  It is getting down to the final few.  I am hoping to continue to paint regularly but not daily.  I don't want painting to be a chore.  Also, I find I am not spending as much time with a painting as I would like.  I will probably go back to a number of the pieces I have done over the past month and add some more to them.  With the oil paint I would like to give it a chance to dry before I add final details and trying to finish one each day means that the paint is too wet to add any details.


  1. I am in awe of your glass! Divine little cherries!

  2. Thanks for the comment. Glass is one of my favorite things to paint, it is just shapes of lights and darks.
