Sunday, 13 January 2013

Antique Insulator

6" x 6"
Oil on Gessoboard


This is Day 12 of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 painting challenge.  I did this one last night and wasn't very happy with it, I did feel pressured by the time.  My husband collects antique hydro and railway insulators.  This one is made of carnival glass and I couldn't quite get how luminous it actually is.  I would like to use it again in a painting where I could take the time to build up the colors with glazing to bring out the real depth of the colors.

We were shopping all day yesterday.  We like to go to towns we haven't been to that have antique and thrift stores.  Yesterday I bought a stained glass antique window and I can't wait to use it in a painting. 

1 comment:

  1. I was very curious to see what this was - it really made a nice painting because of the way you painted those beautiful reflections in the glass.
