Sunday, 6 January 2013

Peppers on a Plate

5" x 7"
Oil on Gessoboard


Day 5 of Leslie Saeta's painting challenge.  Today is a day I feel like painting!  I had a nice comment yesterday that suggested working on unfinished pieces when you weren't inspired to paint on a particular day.  What a great idea.  I am going to pull out those paintings that might just need a little work to complete and it will keep me painting each day.  It is great to have feedback from other artists!


  1. Love these red chillies on a blue plate they create quite a vibrant picture.

  2. Beautiful reds in those peppers!

  3. Great Chilies! Good idea to work on and complete unfinished pieces.

  4. SO realistic and beautiful...LOVE that gorgeous red!!!

  5. These vibrant red chiles really popped out at me as I was looking at the tiny images on Leslie's blog. I LOVE this!

  6. Lois, this painting has so much personality and is so skillfully done. It's the best chili pepper painting I've seen.
