Saturday, 5 January 2013

Pear on a Plane

6" x 6"
Oil on Gessoboard


This is my second Pear of the New Year.  It is perched on top of an antique wood plane.  I was able to photograph this outside today although I did drop it in the snow.  Luckily it landed face up.  Not as cold and windy today and the snow is melting a little.

I am finding that I have ups and downs with trying to paint a painting each day.  Today is a lousy day.  I don't want to paint pieces ahead.  I really want to try to paint a piece each day and some days I just don't feel like doing it, so many other things to get in the way.  I am committed to doing the 30 paintings in 30 days even on those days!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean by the ups and downs of wanting to paint each day. I really do want to paint every day, but sometimes life does get in the way. One answer I found was to look back at some of the paintings I started in the last couple of months, but didn't finish. After letting them sit for a bit of time answers came and I was able to finish a couple of them. Will be posting them to the 30 day challenge when I feel the need for a day off.

    By the way, love your pomegranates from yesterday and your clementine from a couple of days ago looks like it could have come from my tree in the backyard. Nicely done.
