Friday, 25 January 2013

Decoy Duck

6" x 6"
Acrylic on Gessoboard


This is Day 24 of Leslie Saeta's daily painting challenge.  I didn't know if I was going to be able to fit this one in.  I was at the hospital all day yesterday.  It is 1 1/2 to 2 hours out of town, so I stayed over last night and brought my husband home today in a bit of a snow blizzard.  That is why I am posting so late today.  I had taken some acrylic paints with me and managed to fit this in.  There was a great art store across from my hotel and I spent a bit of time in there, and a bit of money as well.  My husband had a shoulder replacement.  He will have quite a long recovery and quite a bit of work for me as it is his right shoulder and he is right handed.  I hope I will be able to fit painting in! 


  1. I hope everything goes well with your husband, will be a long recovery for him like you said but maybe you can fit a painting in once in awhile. You did an amazing job with this acrylic painting...I love it!!!

    1. Thanks. I managed to paint another for Day 25 but my posting is getting later and later each day.
